DEA 2019DEA 2019

Welcome to DEA 2019

The conference Dynamics, Equations and Applications (DEA 2019) was organized by the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at the AGH University of Science and Technology to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the university. With 444 participants from 50 countries, 413 talks, 52 ICM speakers, and 5 Fields Medallists it was one of the most important mathematical events of the year.

The conference took place from 16 to 20 September 2019, and it was organized in 16 parallel sessions from four research fields: dynamical systems, partial differential equations, other (ordinary differential, difference and functional) types of equations, and applied mathematics. In addition to keynote and contributed talks of parallel sessions (about half of them were given during 62 mini-symposia), there were 9-10 invited talks in each field given by the world's leading experts as well as six plenary lectures delivered by five Fields Medal winners and an outstanding Polish mathematician. Moreover, Alessio Figalli gave a public lecture.

A year after the conference, two special issues of Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems with 32 high-quality papers were published. DCDS-A special issue titled Dynamics at DEA 2019 contains 18 articles by 46 authors and was edited by Maciej Capiński, Núria Fagella, Michał Misiurewicz, Weixiao Shen, Benjamin Weiss, and Krzysztof Ciepliński, whereas DCDS-B special issue titled PDEs and their applications at DEA 2019 contains 14 articles by 33 authors and was edited by Yoshikazu Giga, Peter Kloeden, Irena Lasiecka, Peter Markowich, Elisabetta Rocca, Enrico Valdinoci, Enrique Zuazua, and Krzysztof Ciepliński.

DEA 2019 was held in Kraków, which is often regarded as one of the most exciting cities in Europe. Its historic center has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1978, and in 2000 it held the title of the European Capital of Culture.

Plenary speakers

Artur Avila
Artur Avila
University of Zurich, Switzerland & IMPA, Brazil

A Brazilian and French mathematician working on dynamical systems and spectral theory.

2014 Fields Medallist

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Martin Hairera
Martin Hairer
Imperial College London, UK

A British and Austrian mathematician working mainly on stochastic partial differential equations.

2014 Fields Medallist

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Pierre-Louis Lions
Pierre-Louis Lions (cancelled)
Collège de France & CEREMADE, Université Paris-Dauphine, France

A French mathematician working on partial differential equations and applications.

1994 Fields Medallist

In July 2019, Pierre-Louis Lions had to cancel his participation in the conference for important personal reasons.

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Stanislav Smirnov
Stanislav Smirnov
University of Geneva, Switzerland & Skoltech, Russia

A Russian mathematician working on complex analysis, mathematical physics, dynamical systems and probability theory.

2010 Fields Medallist

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Shing-Tung Yau
Shing-Tung Yau
Harvard University, USA

A Chinese and American mathematician working on differential geometry, differential equations and general relativity.

1982 Fields Medallist

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Maciej Zworski
Maciej Zworski
University of California, Berkeley, USA

A Polish and Canadian mathematician working on partial differential equations, microlocal analysis and scattering theory.

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Plenary and public speaker

Alessio Figalli
Alessio Figalli
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

An Italian mathematician working mainly on calculus of variations and partial differential equations.

2018 Fields Medallist

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Honorary patrons

Mayor of the City of Kraków Jacek Majchrowski Rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology

Embassy of Switzerland in Poland British Embassy in Poland Embassy of France in Poland

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